Me, Myself, and I - That You Don't YET Know

Monday, December 01, 2003

Indescribable Emotion

I am SOOOOOOOOOO pissed! Stupid games! Most of them didn't work properly when I tried it (Error) and the rest of them sucks! And if I try to re-install all the games, it'll just crash my computer! Bah! 8 hours and all that work for nothing! I'm so not going to install all of those games anymore and not even going to bother about it anymore! The heck with it!
And believe it or not.. I broke my glasses again.. well it's not totally broken but I lost one of those nose pads thingy *sigh*
By the way, I found one of my bro's old games. Sonic Run.. I love it so much. Used to spend hours playing with it on the computer back when I was still living in Carnegie. I've never played that game anymore since we moved here last year, coz I don't know why it's not on my comp anymore. Till this evening, when I browsed through all my bro's computer CDs and I found it! YAY!


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