Didn't actually wanna write anything today, since there's nothing interesting goin on in my life right now. But since my friend urged me to write something so that she'll have something to do since she's very bored, I gotta post something on this blog. Hmm.. wonder what I've done so far this week. Can't remember... Probably it's the fact that I don't make my brain 'work hard' during this holiday. I think I went to the city on Tuesday with my sis, went to HSBC and wander around the city, had lunch at Chinatown, then we went to Carnegie for some grocery shopping (haven't done that in quite a while), then to Chadstone. We were actually planning on seeing 3 movies in one day, since it's cheaper to see movies on Tuesdays, but then something came up and we had to go to the bank. Yeah well.. we'll probably do it next Tuesday. Yesterday.. what did I do yesterday .. (thinking hard) .. Ahh.. we went to a friend's house and had dinner there..
Well.. that's all for today, can't think of anything more to write.. And I think I haven't mentioned this before on my previous posts, I haven't got any new year's resolutions. Been trying to fulfill my last 3 years' resolutions but didn't make it hahaha. So I guess nothing for this year.. and it's not that I'm not setting a goal or something at the start of the year. I do have goals that I wanted to achieve this year, but not as my new year's resolution. Coz I think stuff that we wanted to achieve for the NYR should be the one that is hard to achieve, not the simple and easy ones - well that's the point of having NYR right? And I guess there's no point of me making any NYR since I haven't been good in fulfilling any of it
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