Me, Myself, and I - That You Don't YET Know

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Badditz Airway

Bloody hell it's scorchingggg!!!!! I wish I can get out of this heat as soon as possible... But it will be no different at indo... the same hot weather awaits me as soon as I stepped into the airport
By the way... I'm going back tomorrow *YAY* (after 2 years of full-on torture and misery)
I'm excited bout going to the aiport. I loved going to the aiport ever since I could remember. I even had a dream of being a pilot when I grow up. But then of course... like others... dream changes... and they always will...
Anyways... I soon found out that I don't really want to be a pilot... I mean... This is hard to explain
When I dream of being a pilot, the picture of sitting in the cockpit and flying the big bird never crossed my mind. I actually pictured the fun of walking on the flat escalators through the terminals of the airport.
Then again, I realise that I don't want to be a pilot... but I'd like to work in an aiport... Of course not as the person who rides the funny looking small truck that has a sirene on it, driving old people and the disabled around, collecting all the trolleys and stuff, but as a manager... or something like that
Anyways... enough talk about the aiports... and dreams... I guess this is a pretty good topic for the last post of the year... and I guess you people will not want me to ramble on and on about aiports and my dreams ... who knows ? It might change again

K... this is the end of Badditz Blog for 2005

"This is the captain speaking. We are now approaching the End-Of-Badditz-Blog Island. The local time is four - fourty seven pm with a local temperature of 27 degrees celcius. The seat belt sign is now on, indicating that we will be arriving very shortly at our destination. So buckle up and enjoy the rest of your flight. I, the Captain of Badditz blog, along with my Co-pilot, and all flight attendants, would like to wish you a very nice long enjoyable holidays, and we thank you for flying Badditz Blog Airways. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and we will be looking forward into seeing you in the near future :) "


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