It impresses me how some people could be bothered expressing their opinions through writing the letter to the editorials of the newspapers and tabloids
I mean... I get why editors do it... It's their jobs
But ordinary people? Why do they have to go out writing letters to tell the people 'out there' about their own opinions?
To be clear, I'm not against it or anything... There's nothing wrong with it... It just amazed me how some people are willing to go through all that trouble (writing, posting, etc) just to get others to read it
And here we are (some of us), on the train... with our newspapers on our hand, not reading the 'letters' section...
Even if we read it... if it's against our own opinions... it won't change how we feel towards the issue... nor will it makes us any happier... considering how some people's reactions are something along the line of 'i can't believe how ignorant this person is' or 'i can't believe he/she just said that'
So... ....... ....... I don't have any conclusion to this post... I've just finished writing 2 essays in 1 1/2 weeks time, and gotta write 2 more in the next .... actually... i don't know when it's due... so... we'll just end it like this: . (period)
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