Me, Myself, and I - That You Don't YET Know

Wednesday, December 03, 2003

I wanna play 'The Sims'

Just got back from chady (OPSM) to repair my glasses with the broken nosepad. Luckily they have the exact same one there so I don't have to get one of my friends to take it to Indo with them to repair it. Otherwise I'll have to survive seeing without my glasses for a month or so.. coz my other glasses is (again..) broken and pikacu has taken it back with her to indo so that it can be repaired. Damn! What's with me and breaking all those glasses heh!? Happens everytime with my glasses.. Dunno how many times I've changed my glasses .. Probably about seven or eight times now, or maybe more than that hahaha
Concentrating on playing 'The Sims' right now. Finally got some computer games to play with. Coz now that I've played too much 'Zoo Tycoon' and 'Roller Coaster Tycoon', I got pretty bored with them and can't be stuffed playing with it anymore. I'm actually the type of person who gets bored fairly quickly.
Something funny happened yesterday. I met this one friend on msn. I haven't been in contact with her since she moved back to Indo for her study about a year ago. Sadly, I didn't realize that it was her! I thought she was one of my other friend back when I was still studying in Indo! So the conversation kept on going without either of us realizing this situation! It went on for about half an hour until she talked about my school (used to be 'our' school). Stuff about our school that my other Indo friend wasn't suppose to know. So from that moment, I realized that she wasn't who I thought she is, and I freaked out... It was really funny coz she didn't even realize all of this although I call her 'Yi' (which is my other friend's name) a couple of times when I was talking to her


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