Me, Myself, and I - That You Don't YET Know

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Activity Report

This title looks like the one that I always get in my inbox every month for the community web - anyway .. I actually got a book I gotta finish reading tonight but I'll spare some time writing this blog coz I don't think I'll have much chance to write this blog during the next coupla days. And as the purpose of this blog is mainly to tell others what I've done so far, not having to remember the things I did this week is not good .. infact it's not good at all. So, I'll start of by listing up the things that I did today and yesterday and the day before yesterday and the day before that day (hahaha). At least I did some chores during the holidays which is cleaning up my pool; Now most of you would have known how much I hated doing it because the strong smell of the chlorine will stick on my hand for a looooong time. Nonetheless, I like how my pool will look afterwards - you know what I mean .. blue water, clear as crystal - Don't tell me you've never had that feeling where you look into a swimming pool or the ocean and felt like you wanted to jump into it straightaway. Went out for a dinner on Sunday night at Box Hill. We were actually going to this chinese new year festival thingy there (or something like that) but it was actually held on Saturday night so we missed on it hahaha. Watched 2 movies today. 'The Last Samurai' and 'Cheaper By The Dozen'. The samurai movie was very good .. it was so worth it .. We were actually going to see 3 movies today since it's Tuesday - cheaper ticket price. And besides they were having this deal of buy 3 get 1 free ticket thingy at Village Cinemas, so we figured out why not .. there're lots of good movies showing right now. But we planned it way before we know that they're having this deal thingy so it didn't matter. But we only ended up seeing 2 coz of ... *sigh* I can't be bothered writing all of it on this post right now .. maybe I'll tell it later .. That's if I remember of course .. and I don't think I will :P
Anyway .. I mentioned before that I probably wouldn't have much chance of posting anything new tomorrow or the day after tomorrow nor the day after that (here I go again) coz I'm gonna pick up my books from school tomorrow and we're having this Chinese new year eve's dinner thingy at some chinese restaurant. Gonna have this thing on thursday (not gonna tell you what it is :P) and this other thing on Friday .. well basically I'm fully booked until Friday.
Speaking of chinese new year, *sigh* I'm not getting a lot of "salary" if you know what I mean. Since I'm way down here @ oz and my relatives are all at Indo.. WHYYYYY OH WHYYYY do I have to be away at the wrong time of the year .. same as you eh pikachu .. well at least you'll definitely get more 'drastic income' than me this year .. damn you!
K guys .. catcha later .. and by the way .. I know that it's still 2 days away but I'm gonna say it now anyway .. Happy Chinese New Year - Wishing all of you a happy and prosperous Chinese new year :) Don't forget to share all the money with your friends ok ;) (especially me hahahaha j/k)


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