Arrrkkhh.. I've got lots of homework to do! Economics folio and exercise questions, methods homework (luckily I haven't got another exam practice question assignment this week), preparation for esl outcome, etc, etc, etc... And so far.. I haven't made any effort to do it yet. Got a lot of stuff coming up next week. Let's see.. I have nothing on Monday, I have a maths test on Tuesday which is killing me, esl outcome on Wednesday and Thurday, folio due on Friday and overseas basketball which is on afterschool. *sigh* such a busy week, and I'm not looking forward to any of it. That means I have to do 4 nights of basketball in a week, and three of them in a row. Training on Thursday, competition on Friday, and another match on Saturday, not mentioning that I have an early game in either assumption or penleigh (I can't remember). Damn! That's far - that means that I have to wake up early in the morning...
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