Damn u ailz !!!
*Yawn* Today was pretty boring, didn't do anything much. -Newsflash- About two weeks ago, Ailz broke my discman by whacking my bag onto the floor, then somehow.. she made it even worse... So I'm trying to get my brother to buy me either a new discman or a new md or mp3 player. Well he doesn't really mind buying me a new one, but gotta tell dad about it of course, and right now is not really the right time. Wonder if I should buy it here or back at indo. If I decide to buy it at indo, I'm gonna have to wait until the end of this year to buy it. The other option is to get my dad to buy it for me when he goes back there, which is tonight - and you can't really rush in this sort of situation - so I'm stuck with the first plan which is to wait for 8 months before I get a new one. Besides, he doesn't know the types or models or those kind of stuff. On the other hand, if I buy it here, hmm.. wouldn't it be more expensive ?? I talked to my bro about dad not knowing which one to buy and stuff, and he said we could just buy it here and there's no big difference in the price. Hmmmpphh.. I really hate this.
And ailz.. if you're reading this, be thankful that I'm not making you pay for it !!! I told my bro that you "accidently" dropped my bag instead of whacking it.
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