Me, Myself, and I - That You Don't YET Know

Sunday, December 07, 2003

Dear Blogitz,

Just got back home.. Had to take a shower again, and that was the second time for today. Usually.. I only take showers twice a day only during the school days, or when I go out during the weekends (ncluding sport of course). Never actually do it twice in a day during the holidays. Coz I woke up around noon anyway, so what's the point of taking it twice?
Anyway.. Baddie was actually quite fun today, despite the fact that I played really really badly. Maybe that's a result of not having a regular training like usual and also for not moving around since the start of this holidays. Can't do the drop shots and the smashes properly. Oh well.. the most important thing is that I actually enjoy playing with my friends. Feels good to be back in the civilization after a couple of days of just staying at home. Chrissy came along too, she ended up playing baddie with the four of us.
And then the five of us had dinner at Doncaster afterwards. I won't say the name of the restaurant, but I'll have to say that the service was pretty crap! The waitress was so unbeliavable (except for 1), they didn't even smile when they were serving us and act as though they own the place or something.. Hey guys! Lemme tell you something.. the customers are the kings and queens! Treat us with some respect will ya!? And you won't believe this one guy.. I told him that the ice cream machine wasn't working, and he didn't do anything except telling me something about it's not working coz it is out of ice cream. Duhhhh!!! DON'T YOU THINK I KNOW THAT!? BLOODY #$%^&*@#$ !!! I told you because I want you to refill the ice cream! Not to JUST tell me that it's out of ice cream! The food was alright, but it wasn't that great... And also, coz it's a barbeque thing, I ended up with a smelly elmo jumper afterwards.. Luckily, my hair didn't smell too ..
By the way.. it was pretty damn hot today! Scorching! My lips were dry and it hurts a lot (Forgot to bring my lip balm, although someone has always reminded me to take it everywhere I go, just in case the weather is so hot like it is today hehehe) Can't believe that it's gonna be around 30 degrees on tomorrow and around 36 on tuesday.. I'm so not going out! Otherwise I'll probably get a sun-burn afterwards.. sure don't want that to happen...

And to pikachu - If it has a pretty big and fat body than it's a fly.. If it has a thin body and thin legs, than it's a mosquito. By the way, you don't catch flies with your hand.. It's just disgusting. You do that with mosquitoes, but not with flies.


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