Me, Myself, and I - That You Don't YET Know

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

New Post

Gong Xi Fat Chai (although it's a bit too late by now and too early on the previous post)
Anyway.. On Saturday I went to a distant-cousin's house at Thomastown - pretty far. Then I basically forgot what else I've done on that day. But I remember what I did on Sunday. Me and sis went to get a hair cut at this saloon at South Yarra. So.. there I was, waiting patiently as the hair dresser cut my hair - and basically, I couldn't see anything since I have to take my glasses off. After she finishes, I put on my glasses and I was shocked! shocked! shocked! and shocked!!! I didn't expect it to be this short - well it's still below the shoulders alright but it was only A LITTLE BIT below the shoulders - now my sis's hair is even longer than mine. And the hairstyle .. uuuurrkkhh.. didn't like it at all, and now my curly-wavy part of the hair has shown up again. Well I usually get my hair straightened every time I go back to indo - well that makes it once a year. But since I didn't go back to indo this time, I couldn't do the rebonding thing, so ... as a result, my straightened hair which could only last for like a year, has gone curly again. And I swear.. it looks terrible!
But I ended up doing this chem straightening hair thingy today - didn't do the rebonding coz it cost a fortune here - and it turned out alright - it's not wavy anymore but it's not as straight as it would be if I did the rebonding. But anyway, I was happy with it (of course I was after the shock of seeing what my hair looked like after I got a haircut and what it would look like if I didn't do this straightening thingy today)
So .. me and my sis didn't end up watching the 3rd movie (u'll know what I mean if u see the previous couple of posts) - damn!
School's gonna start soon - Thursday - one day of holiday to go. Wonder if I'll go to school on Thursday or Monday. There are so many reasons why I should and/or shouldn't go oon Thursday *sigh*
K.. I'm going now.. wanna watch the movies that my bro has just downloaded from the internet :) - enough thinking bout school days


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