Me, Myself, and I - That You Don't YET Know

Thursday, February 26, 2004

I'm Back

I've just realised that I haven't been online for .. let's see .. almost 2 weeks! Geez! I'm really dying at school! So much work to do.. homework everyday!
Anyway.. I'll stop talking about school coz I think I've already written about it in my previous posts
I had an overseas students camp on the weekend. It was alright, not that bad like what I had imagined it would be like. One thing I know for sure is that we had so much free time over those 2 days, that's way I can really enjoy myself by playing cards with my friends, otherwise I'll be really pissed doing all those activities over and over again. Took some good pictures with friends, I think my bro has already finished uploading it to the computer by now, haven't had a chance to check it yet. The night walk wasn't scary.. I don't know why.. I thought it would be really scary and the yr 12s would bully us like shit considering the fact that they are some sort of crazy people.
Didn't get enough sleep during the camp. Tell ya what happened.. My 2 friends wanted to go to the toilet, so I joined them, and then there are 2 other people who joined us. When we opened our cabin door, a policeman stood infront of us holding a torch. He asked us whether we had seen an old lady around 87 years old with long sort of brownish skirt. Let's get to the point.. this lady is from up the road and has this mental thingy and that sickness which old people usually have.. you know.. kept forgetting things and stuff.. anyway .. this lady has been missing since 6 am that morning .. and it was at midnight when the police came. So he told us to keep our eyes open and run to a particular cabin and dial triple 0 when we see her... OMG! It sure freaked us out! Especially knowing that we couldn't lock the doors coz it was broken somehow. And worse of all, my stomach hurts that night (I think it was the food) and I couldn't sleep, and of course there's no way that I'm going to the toilet after that incident. So there I was, trying to come to terms with my tummy and try to get some sleep. And in the morning I found out that my other friend coulnd't sleep as well, but the thing is pikachu slept between us so we didn't know that both of us can't sleep. At least if we've known that we can't sleep, we could still talk to each other until we fall asleep.. Damn!
Not mentioning pikachu who stole half of my pillow and blanket.. after I asked her whether she wanted to get some pillows/blankets from the real cabin .. Haven't mention about this yet.. there wasn't enough space in the cabin so we had to sleep in some sort of a function room...
Enough talking bout camp .. Can't be stuff to write every single thing that happened during the camp. My friend is flying tonight, will be here tomorrow. I was hoping I can take her with me over to Geelong for my Saturday baddie match, I'll call my coach tomorrow and see whether she could come. Here's the thing, my match is at Geelong and I can't go back as soon as I finish my match coz I have to wait for other teams to finish their games as well (catching the school bus) so by the time I got back to school, it'll already be really late in the afternoon and I don't wanna waste anytime since I can only see her during the weekend. Obviously .. coz I have economics test, accounting test, and business management SAC next weekend.. let's just hope I can manage to study during weekdays with all the homework lying on my desks every single day.
Anyway.. I'm off to watching 'Charmed' on my computer.. Catcha later
Catcha later

Sunday, February 15, 2004

Breaking News

Arrghh.. I hate school! So much work yet so little time. *Sigh* Got at least 1 homework every day. Didn't get enough time to sleep this week .. and as a result, my eyes hurt. Anyway.. enough about school, I'm sick of it! Got a camp going on next week, luckily, I don't have a match on Saturday so I don't have to wake up early in the morning and have a tiring game before catching the bus that will take us to Yarra Junction. Talk about matches, I won my match last week. The team had a victorious winning. But unfortunately, we lost really badly yesterday. Hurt myself too. Kinda stretched the muscle on my upper thigh while I was playing the doubles. So it felt really bad when I played my singles game. Still hurts a bit now.
My friend from Indo postponed her arrival so she's not here yet at the moment. I don't really know what else to write since there's nothing new has been going on in my life lately.
Maybe a little more later

Friday, February 06, 2004

Homework... Blakh!

It's been a week since I've put up a new post. Haven't really had a chance to play around with the computer yet, in fact I only had one chance to watch the TV, and that's only because I didn't wanna miss an episode of 'Angel'. Geez.. what's with the teachers? They sure gave a lot of homework for the first official week of school. I even had homework for every single subject that I had yesterday
I really miss sleeping in, and I don't think I can do it until next month. Right, here's the thing.. I've already got a badminton match tomorrow morning (so I obviously can't sleep in) and I had to go with my friend on Sunday to help her with something. Then there's the next weekend.. and that's when my friend from Indo is coming over here for 2 weeks. Unfortunately, I don't think I can take her around during the weekdays considering how much homework I get every single school day. So I only have the weekend to take her around and stuff - better make the most of it! And I'm having an overseas camp on the 21st and 22nd - so again, obviously I won't be able to sleep in. The weekend after that - that's the last chance that I can take my friend around and then she's going back to Indo. So basically I'll only be able to sleep in on March, 6th - and that's a long way to go. Luckily that's a long weekend so at least it pays off a bit.
Anyway.. I'm pretty excited bout my friend coming over to Oz, haven't met her for like more than a year or something.
My contract for mobile plan is going to expire next month so I've already got a new phone (Nok 7250i) Nice one, I like it, got a camera on it - which a feature that I've always wanted on a mobile, makes it a lot easier u know - don't have to carry cameras around and there's always this moment where u wanted to take a picture but don't have a camera with you
Anyway.. gotta run and do my economics report now. I know it sounds weird to do homework on Friday nights, but I only did it coz I wanna enjoy and make the most of my weekend without having to worry about any homework.

Sunday, February 01, 2004

*Sigh* *Sigh* and another *Sigh*

*Sigh* --> If this is the first word of today's post then it's not a good sign. Started school on Thursday, finally got over the dilemma of deciding whether I should go to school on Thursday or Monday. It's been a mess in school lately, we don't have any captain for the overseas community, and we're having our camp in 3 weeks - you can imagine what it'll be like. Anyway.. I've already got a homeword on the first day of school, and two on the following day. Can't believe this - ease up on us a bit will ya, we just got back from our holidays - our minds are definitely not on school yet. Don't know if I'm having training on Monday or not, I'll go find out on Monday though. I don't know what to hope for, I kinda miss playing badminton but on the other hand, I'm still too lazy to be doing anything. Besides, I think I have an appointment with a teacher to help him organize the camp, not sure though.
Anyway.. pikachu's already at oz *finally* --> she's such a lazy person, missed out on 2 days of school on purpose (not that I haven't done it before.. in fact, I've always done it every year) Called her bout an hour ago, but interrupted by a phone call and her lunch.
I'm having dinner tonight with some of my friends from school
Yeah well that's all I have to say for now, dont' really have much to write these days, maybe later..
I'm back to playing my free cell now.. still trying to get the statistics up to 50%.. they say practice makes perfect :)