Me, Myself, and I - That You Don't YET Know

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Not very happy

Back to school.. urgh...
hasn't been going very well... Got either a dreadful concepts in software development (java basically...) lecture.. or tute.. every single uni-day.. that is... monday to thursday... java, java, java, java
I'm so sick of saying this every single week of every single semester... I HATE I.S.!!!!!

Commerce subjects.. they're going ok i guess..
Not so much with the textbooks thou.. friggin hard to get second hand books.. why do uni books cost so much!?!?

Anyway.. I was suppose to meet up with this guy this morning... to buy his textbooks..
Waited there for like half an hour.. he didn't show up..
Kept ringing his mobile... First it was off, then it was on.. then he didn't pick up.. then he picked up once but didn't say anything.. I could only hear lots of noises in the background.. then kept calling him again.. but never picked up
Til 1 hr later.. when i tried his cell again.. he picked up.. and said sorry that he had a "meeting" with his FRIENDS.....
fucking idiot....
didn't sound sorry either
then he said he couldn't sell the textbook no more coz he got a higher bid
fuckin ass...

anyways.. i better go get some sleep... trying to surpress the stress of having to deal with buying textbooks.. making sure it's the right one...
got an early class tomorrow morning.. til late afternoon.. then gotta work till bout 8.10
not very happy
not very happy at all...

Saturday, February 24, 2007

I'm back!!!

It's been a while hasn't it...
Didn't feel like blogging for a while.. Just got the urge to post up a new one bout 2 minutes ago

Japan was great... Indo was better.. lol.. home sweet home
The last time I went back.. it was for 1 month.. spent half my time staying at my grandparent's house.. was friggin bored
spent the other half at my "empty" house.. which was great.. what can I say.. no matter how dodgy or empty or creepy your house is.. it's still "home sweet home" :)
Anyways.. back to this holidays.. spent 17 days in indo.. 12 of which i chose to stay at my own house
Of course.. there's always that 'obligation' to come and stay over at the grandparent's house..
3 out of the 5 days I spent with my friends.. I especially arranged for them to go out with me on the days I'm at my grandparent's house
It's not my fault really.. it's really boring there... I've got absolutely nothing to do
And the house is really far... one of those remote elite places.. takes ages to go anywhere.. not mentioning Jakarta's 24/7 traffic jam

So.. 1 month is more than enuf.. 17 days is not enough (coz I can only spend 12 days at my own house).. I guess 1 month is enough if I spend the whole month at my own house..

Moving on... away from the holidays
Coaching's back on again.. Girls team again.. same team again, which is the 3rd team.. with different players of course
First time I saw all the girls play.. OMG.. total disaster... the other coach (4th team) even said "I'm amazed"
Of course.. I tried to stay positive.. so I asked whether it's a 'good' amazed or 'bad' amazed
It's 'bad' amazed.. he was actually shocked at the skill level

Anyways.. first training, the 2nd team coach didn't come along.. don't know what happened to him.. but I assumed he was training with the 1st team
so we divided all 18 players into 2 teams (3rds & 4ths)
So basically.. I got last year's 5th team player.. I recognized some of their faces
4 out of 6 of my girls last year graduated.. 2 tried out for the 1st team this year and made it..
Anyways... when I got back to school (we trained at Monash that day).. the head of girls sport had a talk with us.. and it turned out that the 2nd team didn't have any players (coz he didn't come along with us)
So we had to reshuffle the girls around.. those in my team are now in the 2nd team.. and I had to take some of the girls from the 4ths
I thought it was bad enough that last year's 5th team players are now 3rd team players.. but now they're 2nd team players.. and I'm getting the ones worse than tem

Training was supposed to be held every Tuesday & Thursday.. then match on Saturday
We had 45 minutes that Tuesday.. coz everything at school was a complete disaster.. the school didn't get very organized I guess.. Anyways.. we used that 45 minutes to divide the girls into the 2 teams (as I mentioned before).. then the school had House Swimming on Thursday.. so no training for us.. and we had our 1st match that Saturday
Yeah.. we didn't win (obviously.. I'd be surprised if we won.. I mean.. that must mean the other team is like... crap crap crap crap crap)
Didn't even take a single set

Anyways.. the next 2 training sessions.. made them work their butts off doing lots of footwork & serves (which was a total disaster on Saturday).. and got them to learn the important rules.. and how to score and stuff... (I thought I wouldn't have to do this considering I'm coaching the 3rds.. and not the 5ths!)
Anyways... they won last Saturday.. and this Saturday.. (this morning) :)
Hey.. at least I know I'm doing something right as a coach.. lol

But I guess I was pretty lucky to get the girls that I have now.. I mean.. not skill wise.. but attitude wise
4 out of the 7 are eager to improve
2 are ok... 1... i dunno bout this one.. hahaha

The 4ths team coach is having a pretty rough time.. since this is his first and all.. (thou he's way older than I am... not old.. but older than me)
He told me that when he saw me doing some footwork with my girls.. he told his girls to do some as well.. they responded by saying that since only the 3rd team is doing it.. and the 2nd team is not doing it.. they didn't wanna do it...
And when he told them to run and do some warm-ups.. they responded by saying "Do we have tooooo????" (nagging voice)
-- although he could've handled this very easily.. he could just say YES YOU HAVE TO! like what I usually do.. hahaha
And later on.. a couple of girls asked him whether it's compulsory to learn how to score.. and learn the basic rules.. and the boundary lines and stuff... coz they don't wanna learn how to do it
Worse of all.. 2 girls came up to him and asked whether they could play their iPods whilst playing badminton (wtf...)

Anyways.. I gotta go do some more badminton now

Oh.. I know it's a bit late.. but...

Merry Xmas 2006
Happy New Year 2007
Happy Valentine's Day 2007 (to those celebrating)
Happy Chinese New Year 2007 (Gong Xi Fat Chai)
Hm.. What else is coming up...

Oh.. uni's starting in 2 days... Yay! Fridays off again
but won't be able to coach on Tuesdays anymore :(
Doesn't matter.. we only have 1 court on Tuesdays for each team.. that's 1 court for 6-7 girls...
Go figure...