Me, Myself, and I - That You Don't YET Know

Saturday, April 28, 2007

I'm not racist (f.y.i.)

A blonde desperately needed some money, so she decided to kidnap someone. So she went to the park and she grabbed this kid.

Then she wrote a note saying, "If you ever want to see your child again, leave 10,000 dollars in a paper bag in the northwest corner of the park." then she signed it 'THE BLONDE' and told the kid to give it to his mom.

The next day she went to the northwest corner of the park and got the paper bag. It had the money in it and a note from the mother that said, "How could you do this to another blonde?"

The Magic Number

1001 hits
I'm actually surprised someone is still reading this blog :)


Experts say humor on the job relieves tension in this time of down-sizing (ie. sacking ppl)

Boss: (to employee) - Knock, Knock.

Employee: Who's there?

Boss: Not you anymore.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Busy busy busy

Last post was posted up on 15/03/07
I know... I should blog more
I just haven't got enough time lately.. been kinda busy
1 week uni holidays didn't really feel much like holidays.. 3 tests on the week after the break (ie this week)
2 done, 1 to go
I'll try to find some spare time to blog