Questions from Friendster's notice board that I don't usually read, let alone answering...
1. If you could choose your own name what will it be?
No idea, I have to spend a long time thinking bout it first
2. Are you funny?
Sometimes (But my sis just said 'no')
3. What's your favorite movie(s)?
A lot, I don't feel like naming them one by one
4. How many piercings do you have and
5. What's your favorite food?
Burger, chips, chocolate, noodles, beancurd, soya bean, anything that tastes good
7. What's your favorite piece of clothing?
Jumper and tracksuit
8. Do you have a boy/girlfriend?
Unfortunately, no...
9. Have you ever cheated in school?
When I was a little kid, yeah
10. What's your favorite time of day?
Sleepin time or time when I don't have anything on my to-do-list, and can do whatever I want, whenever I want, wherever I want
11. What's your favorite flower?
Tulip, Hydrangea (I think that's the name), roses will also do
12. Has anyone ever thrown you a surprise party?
Yeah, I think... If it could be considered as a 'surprise'
16. Who are your favorite actors and
Halle Berry, and... I don't know who the actor is
17. What are you wearing right now?
T-shirt, shorts (blue&white stripes)
18. Have you ever met people you met online in real life?
Not that I can remember
19. Do you think you're smart?
Sometimes, in some cases... yeah
20. If you get a chance to be an actress, which film would you wanna be in?
Charmed (I think... Can't really think of anything else right now)
21. Can you cook?
Huahahahahaha.... this is a super dumb question, anyone who knows me enough would've known the answer to this question
22. Have you ever cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend?
23. Are you messy or neat?
Neat (Exception for my bed)
24. What's one thing you've always wanted to learn?
How to fly an aeroplane?
25. Do you smoke?
I don't even like the smell of it
26. Have you ever had a serious celebrity crush?
Not that I'm aware of
27. What's ONE thing you will NEVER do?
Torture and kill people
Well.. maybe torture but not the killing part
And... Get naked in public
28. Do you drink?
What constitutes 'drink'
Water? Milk? Juice?
Yes, I drink them
Not alcohol beverages, no
29. Are you shy?
30. What's your parfume?
CK B, CK One; Leau Par Kenzo; Davidoff Cool Water; Body Shop's whitemusk, oceanus, moonflower, beleaf, velique
FYI, I don't smell...
31. What's your favorite smell?
The smell of a baby who just had a shower and fully pampered
32. Do you like your family?
I HAVE to, don't I?
33. If you could trade places with anyone for a day, who would it be?
34. What was your favorite cartoon when you were little?
Lots... Tom & Jerry, Popeye, Snoopy & Peanuts show, The Jetsons, Flinstones, Doraemon, and so on, and so on
35. Do you ever want to get married?
36. Do you want kids?
If I'm already married and ready for them
38. What's the worst class you've ever taken?
SOSE! Especially HISTORY!
39. What u did before u on line?
Playing The Sims 2 and talking to Deb on the phone
40. What season do you like the most?
41. What u wanna do now?
Continue playing The Sims 2
42. What you want to do tommorow?
Sleep, watch movies and tv shows, continue playing The Sims 2 for the rest of the day (But unfortunately... I can't)
43. What you want to do this week end?
What I WANT is doing all the stuff I mentioned above
What I HAVE to do is work on my uni acc
44. Are you in love?
With a person? No
45. Do you believe in love?
A simple answer for the last question
And that's about it