Me, Myself, and I - That You Don't YET Know

Sunday, April 24, 2005

2 more days

Holidays will soon be over...
Mid semester test for uni acc comin up...
What have I done regarding the test so far??? Not much...
I have done most of the stuff on my to-do-list! Quite an achievement...
Not the homework task that is...
See... telling myself that I have to do it is easy... It's like snapping ur finger... Done in split second
Now... Getting myself to start doing it... that's hard... more like... breaking my finger...

Thursday, April 21, 2005

45 Stupid Questions

Questions from Friendster's notice board that I don't usually read, let alone answering...

1. If you could choose your own name what will it be?
No idea, I have to spend a long time thinking bout it first

2. Are you funny?
Sometimes (But my sis just said 'no')

3. What's your favorite movie(s)?
A lot, I don't feel like naming them one by one

4. How many piercings do you have and

5. What's your favorite food?
Burger, chips, chocolate, noodles, beancurd, soya bean, anything that tastes good

7. What's your favorite piece of clothing?
Jumper and tracksuit

8. Do you have a boy/girlfriend?
Unfortunately, no...

9. Have you ever cheated in school?
When I was a little kid, yeah

10. What's your favorite time of day?
Sleepin time or time when I don't have anything on my to-do-list, and can do whatever I want, whenever I want, wherever I want

11. What's your favorite flower?
Tulip, Hydrangea (I think that's the name), roses will also do

12. Has anyone ever thrown you a surprise party?
Yeah, I think... If it could be considered as a 'surprise'

16. Who are your favorite actors and
Halle Berry, and... I don't know who the actor is

17. What are you wearing right now?
T-shirt, shorts (blue&white stripes)

18. Have you ever met people you met online in real life?
Not that I can remember

19. Do you think you're smart?
Sometimes, in some cases... yeah

20. If you get a chance to be an actress, which film would you wanna be in?
Charmed (I think... Can't really think of anything else right now)

21. Can you cook?
Huahahahahaha.... this is a super dumb question, anyone who knows me enough would've known the answer to this question

22. Have you ever cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend?

23. Are you messy or neat?
Neat (Exception for my bed)

24. What's one thing you've always wanted to learn?
How to fly an aeroplane?

25. Do you smoke?
I don't even like the smell of it

26. Have you ever had a serious celebrity crush?
Not that I'm aware of

27. What's ONE thing you will NEVER do?
Torture and kill people
Well.. maybe torture but not the killing part
And... Get naked in public

28. Do you drink?
What constitutes 'drink'
Water? Milk? Juice?
Yes, I drink them
Not alcohol beverages, no

29. Are you shy?

30. What's your parfume?
CK B, CK One; Leau Par Kenzo; Davidoff Cool Water; Body Shop's whitemusk, oceanus, moonflower, beleaf, velique
FYI, I don't smell...

31. What's your favorite smell?
The smell of a baby who just had a shower and fully pampered

32. Do you like your family?
I HAVE to, don't I?

33. If you could trade places with anyone for a day, who would it be?

34. What was your favorite cartoon when you were little?
Lots... Tom & Jerry, Popeye, Snoopy & Peanuts show, The Jetsons, Flinstones, Doraemon, and so on, and so on

35. Do you ever want to get married?

36. Do you want kids?
If I'm already married and ready for them

38. What's the worst class you've ever taken?
SOSE! Especially HISTORY!

39. What u did before u on line?
Playing The Sims 2 and talking to Deb on the phone

40. What season do you like the most?

41. What u wanna do now?
Continue playing The Sims 2

42. What you want to do tommorow?
Sleep, watch movies and tv shows, continue playing The Sims 2 for the rest of the day (But unfortunately... I can't)

43. What you want to do this week end?
What I WANT is doing all the stuff I mentioned above
What I HAVE to do is work on my uni acc

44. Are you in love?
With a person? No

45. Do you believe in love?

A simple answer for the last question
And that's about it

Monday, April 18, 2005


I found out something about myself during the holidays...
I can rarely work up enough motivation to do the stuff I have to do
Took me a while to realize this huh?

By the way... I forgot to write something that I should've written a while ago
I was going to my weekly Monday uni acc class and I was at South Yarra station, waiting for the Cranbourne train to arrive.
There weren't a lot of people, coz the pakenham train just left taking all the passengers with it
So, I was sitting there on the bench, with my mp3 on, reading articles on MX
And this old lady (not quite old actually) sat next to me
And there weren't anything going on for a while, until she started calling me 'xiao cie, xiao cie' (which means 'young lady')
And I turned to her... and she started talking in Chinese... And I mean... Native chinese in a very fast pace...
I was like... sitting there... with my face blank... thinking 'what the hell is this woman talking about'
I mean... I can speak a little Chinese... Coz of my background and stuff... Sometimes I understand what people are talking about and stuff... But only if they don't speak really fast like lightning
And I said 'sorry, I don't understand what you're talking about'
And believe it or not, she kept on going... speaking in Chinese... and not even trying to use some body language to try to explain what it was that she tried to tell/ask me...
So, again, I was like... What the heck!?
And then, after a while... after some time trying to explain to her that I don't understand what she was talking about... by shaking my head (feels like it's gonna flip 180 degrees), she grab her bag, took a train line map out... and pointed out something... and said "Ka Lan Bu Lun?"
I was like... "Huh!?!?"
And I looked carefully at the map... and I said "Oohh... You mean Cranbourne! Yes, yes, this train goes to Cranbourne"
And finally... She stopped buggin me
I actually know how to say 'I don't understand' in Chinese... but then I figured, if I said it in Chinese... she would've kept on talking to me... and on... and on...

Thursday, April 14, 2005


I just found out that it's better if you close the toilet lid before you flush the toilet. And more importantly, I thought not many people knew about it, but apparently, there's quite a few who does it
Here's an interesting fact:
Apparently, every time you flush, aerosolized particles from the toilet float as far as 6 feet away. So flush with the toilet lid down - and get a new toothbrush
Because when you flush the toilet with the lid open, a plume of contaminated water droplets is ejected into the air and lands on everything in the bathroom, including (yuck) your toothbrush.
So consider this if you have your toilet and your shower in the same bathroom. You either start the habit of closing the lid before you flush, or you eat all the shit that comes out of your body (again...)
And no... this isn't another scare story to get men to "put the toilet seat down"

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Continuation of To Do List

The big question is... 'What have I done today?' and I have the simplest answer in the world... 'Not much'
Surprise... surprise...
Another day of bumming around...
Have I done them?
1.) Sims? Nope... I hope I will in the next 2 hours or so
2.) Homeworks? Yeah right... Would you believe me even if I say "I've done it!"?
3.) Wardrobe? Still a mess
4.) Unpacking? I can proudly announce that those stuff is now... still in the garage
5.) Burn cds? Nope... couldn't start a fire (terrible joke)
6.) Photo blog? YES!!!!! I've actually done them... I found out that I have to download this photo blogging program called Picasa or sumtin like that. Thing is, I'm kinda avoiding having to d/l stuff onto my computer to avoid all the virus and staff, which will eventually lead to my computer crashing down and having to be formatted, which... pisses me off everytime it happens coz I have to re-do all the layout and re-install all the shits. Therefore... since there's no other choice other than downloading the program... There will be no photos on this blog... Unless I change my mind sometime later in the future. Well, actually, there is one thing I can do... which is by posting my own html code. But I can't be bothered doing it, and even if I do it, it'll probably be that one time I post photos and that one time only
7.) Inner pillow case? Mmm... No
8.) Bank? YES!!!
Quite an achievement... I have done 2 of the things that I put on my 'to do list' today... Although one didn't require much effort...
Still 2 hours to go before I reach my 12th hour of being awake (and alive) so maybe I can get another thing done... which is to start playing The Sims 2
I always hate starting new games coz I have to choose the name of the characters... which requires a lot of effort since I HAVE to like the name, and the name has to be a GOOD one, preferrably COOL and UNIQUE and close to what I have in mind
So it's a pretty complicated and time consuming task... which requires more brain work than reading a book

To Do List...

Let's see... My to do list for the holidays
There's quite a few actually
1.) Start playing the sims 2; otherwise i'll never ever play it coz when i wanna play during school days, i always say "i'll start during the holidays"; well... now... the time has arrived... it's either now or never
2.) Finish my holiday homeworks
3.) Clean up my wardrobe; it's not a total disaster
4.) Unpack the stuff I brought over last holidays
5.) Burn some movies to a cd; Burn baby burn!!!
6.) Figure out a way to post up pictures on this blog
7.) Change my inner pillow case
and finally...
8.) Go to the bank

I hope I'm gonna do some of these during the course of the day
I'll post up another entry at the end of the day... So coming up is the report of what i will be doing in the next 12 hours

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

What a day...

Fourth day of my holidays... and things seemed to be going... far from 'normal'
First of all, let me start by mentioning how pissed I was yesterday, because I still have to go to my uni acc classes although I'm having my school holidays
And because of that, I am certainly in no mood of contributing what-so-ever in my class, so I practically didn't answer any questions out loud... besides, the teacher didn't ask specifically for MY answer... so I did nothing... And there's this 2 students who didn't contribute either... But towards the end of the class, the teacher was sort of being sarcastic by thanking those who have contributed... and suddenly... when I'm writing what he just explained, he called my name out... and I wasn't sure what he wanted me to do, so I said "sorry?". Then, he joked... saying that "I haven't ask you any questions yet" --> Meaning, he thought I wasn't r.e.a.l.l.y listening to him and by saying "sorry?", he though I was actually asking him what question he asked me just now (does my explanation make any sense? If not, I have no better way of explaining, so please bare with it coz I'm almost done)
And I was like... WTF??? That wasn't even a funny joke (and apparently, most of the class laughed) and I was like ... What the heck??? I know he didn't ask me any questions... but I wasn't sure by what he wanted me to do by calling my name out... coz apparently, I am good... No, I AM GREAT at listening plus taking notes at the same time... So it may seem like I'm doing something else... but my brain can do 2 things at once... Stupid prick...
K... enough of my thoughts...

Now, I hope this would be a long post, coz I don't think I've done it recently
Well... I went to Crown today to watch a movie with D and Tony. Actually, I went to watch 2 movieS. Miss congeniality 2 and Robots. Both were good, and definitely worth $6! *I'm a cheap bastard, I spend $12 to watch 2 movies on Tuesday, when 1 ticket only cost 6 bucks*
Anyway... When we went off to watch Miss Con 2, we got 3 seats - H10 to H12
And we were kinda late... well, we only missed like 5 minutes credit... the movie hasn't started yet... And we went to our row... and we saw... wth? Why is the row almost full? And it was quite dark, so it was pretty hard to see anything... And I though I saw 3 empty seats right in the middle, so I told D and Tony that our seats are still empty... (coz it's allocated of course)
And then this lady, sitting 2 seats from the edge said... harshly... and pretty damn rude... "There are no more seats there"
And we were like... WTF??? Do you wanna fight or something? But we decided to just leave it like that and sit on the front row, right infront of her... And the credits were still rolling, so like most people, we talked... quietly... not loudly... and she was like... "those 3 down there... no talking" and I almost said "those ladies up there, no stealing seats"... But then again, I didn't want to make a scene... so we decided to snap back at her right when she was talking and laughing... and etc and etc... And when she laughed, it was quite funny... coz it sounded more like a fart instead of a chuckle
So D was like "Shush!" whenever they were loud... Hahaha... and we were saying bad things like "Maybe they're poor... They don't go often to the cinemas... and are only here because it only cost 6 bucks to be here... so they don't know the rules of sitting in their own seats in the cinema which has allocated seats"
I know it's pretty harsh... but hey! They started it
Next time I meet them again and if they do the same thing... I'll forget about making a scene or even manners to an older woman

K... next up... We had a break in between the movies... so we went to lunch at the food court
We kinda had a mix between KFC and McCaz...
So we were sitting there, enjoying our meal, and suddenly, this Asian dude wearing a suit and stuff comes up and started to dig through the rubbish bin...
I know... It wasn't a normal Wth anymore... it's now WTF ???
We were sitting quite close to the bin... it was only 2 tables away... You know the usual bin they usually have at McDonald's... the one that looked like a big box, and you just push your tray over the small window-type-door to chuck the leftovers from your tray... so you can't really see through the trash or anything
Anyway... this guy... he was wearing a suit... and glasses... so he didn't look like an ordinary poor guy who dig through trash to find food
He started to stand infront of the bin and putting his hand through the hole... At first I thought maybe he put something on his tray before and forgot about it and accidentally threw it away with the rest of his food.
But no... he started to take out this McCaz box (u know those kinds of boxes you get when you buy a happy meal) and started to look through it and took bits and pieces out of it... AND STARTED CHEWING THEM
Then... I guess he didn't have enough coz he started to dig through the trash again, and took out a leftover from a burger... and ate them...
And people were like watching him... but he didn't care, and kept on going!
I mean... Why the hell would he even bother to wear a suit, so he could enter the Crown building, just to dig through the rubbish bins, and find food!?!?!? Why can't he do it outside??? Why Crown for God's sake!?!?!?
And he didn't stop there of course... he went to the other bins on that area, and started to look for food... and after that... he came back to his first spot (the bin close to us) and waited 3 meters from there, waiting for more people to chuck their food in it...
I mean... Wtf??? What's wrong with this world!?

I guess that's all I wanna say... Btw... I might miss a couple of things when I wrote the story... so for further details, please contact D at
Enjoy guys... hahaha

I hope this post is long enough :)

Sunday, April 10, 2005

List of things that pisses me off...

1.) It's raining yet it's been freakin hot (34 degrees!)
What is this ??? Some kind of acid rain or sumtin?
2.) And why is it that the American stations have to terminate most of the good movies that had the chance of successing? I mean... ok... the ratings aren't flying through the roof like 'Lost' or "Desperate Housewives" - no offence, I love these shows, they're one of my favourites - but not all shows have to have SUPER ratings right?
See... here's a list of some of the good movies -that I like- that they've decided to call an end to:
LAX, Adventures of Sinbad, Now and Again, Tru Calling, Popular; and the ones that have a good chance of joining the club: Veronica Mars, Rodney, Center of the Universe, Jack and Bobby, Medical Investigation, and so on... and so on...
Damn it!
3.) My sister taking the whole time in the world to stare at the inside of her wardrobe, trying to figure out what she's gonna wear to the STATE LIBRARY
I mean... who freaking cares what you wear in the library !?!?!? Most of them who spends their time there are basically people who NEEDS to study! They won't look at every single person who walks through the door wondering what text books they got in their hands, let alone examining what brand of clothes you're wearing, and wether it looks good on you or not, nor will they give a damn of wether it's a miss-match or a perfect combination-according to Carson Kressley!
It's fine if she does it every single time with the lights off, only with the help of the lights from the computer's monitor... but turning the damn lights on in the morning? Taking AGES to pick up your clothes and not being considerate coz... mmm... let me see... are there any other people in the room? YES! I'M SLEEPING! It's not like they're out searching for a freaking supermodel or giving out freaking prizes to the best freaking dressed female in the freaking library!

These things just pisses me off... There's a whole list of them... But I'm not gonna write anymore of em... Coz clearly... today isn't one of they best days I've had in my entire life

Thursday, April 07, 2005


It impresses me how some people could be bothered expressing their opinions through writing the letter to the editorials of the newspapers and tabloids
I mean... I get why editors do it... It's their jobs
But ordinary people? Why do they have to go out writing letters to tell the people 'out there' about their own opinions?
To be clear, I'm not against it or anything... There's nothing wrong with it... It just amazed me how some people are willing to go through all that trouble (writing, posting, etc) just to get others to read it
And here we are (some of us), on the train... with our newspapers on our hand, not reading the 'letters' section...
Even if we read it... if it's against our own opinions... it won't change how we feel towards the issue... nor will it makes us any happier... considering how some people's reactions are something along the line of 'i can't believe how ignorant this person is' or 'i can't believe he/she just said that'
So... ....... ....... I don't have any conclusion to this post... I've just finished writing 2 essays in 1 1/2 weeks time, and gotta write 2 more in the next .... actually... i don't know when it's due... so... we'll just end it like this: . (period)

Friday, April 01, 2005


Kupandang langit penuh bintang bertaburan
Berkelap kelip bagaikan intan permata (seumpama bintang berlian)
Tampak sebuah lebih terang cahayanya
Itulah bintangku Bintang Kejora yang indah s'lalu