Me, Myself, and I - That You Don't YET Know

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Sickos !!!

Omg.. those bloody heartless bastards! sickos!!! Animals are being skinned alive...
Go to the link below and watch the video, and you won't be able to help it but feel sorry for those animals (even if you're not exactly the extreme animal lover type)

for those of you who wants to help.. pls visit PETA

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Quality ???

OMG... Another gas leak at the same lecture theatre.. The security guard came in again at the start of the lecture. Well, at least this time I know I'm in the right theater coz the lecturer has started talking about the subject.. lol.. Anyway.. the 2-hour lecture ended up being cancelled.

I went to Maccaz to get a cheeseburger... First I was pissed coz they messed up the pickles.. and the cheese was out of place.. so I got pickles all over me when I opened the packaging..
My bro said that I must be one of those people who complain when my food isn't done properly.
Well.. in my defense.. I complain, but only to those people around me.. only when the situation is really really really bad that I actually complain to the restaurant
Anyway.. I took a bite of the burger and I thought : "hmm... this is weird.. it doesn't taste right.. soomething's missing... what is it... maybe they didn't cook the cheese right.. nah.. the cheese is quite melted... oh hold on... wait a minute... where's the beef patty????"
THEY GAVE ME A CHEESEBURGER WITHOUT THE BEEF INSIDE!!! So I told my brother... "well... of course i'm gonna complain if i ordered a cheeseburger and ended up getting one without meat inside!!!"
and he laughed his ass off...

Funny thing was... before I opened the packaging.. it was sealed with a round shaped sticker saying "McDonald's. 100% Quality"

quality my ass man.....

Hm.. i better get ready for baddy now :)

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Would You Rather...

A new post every week... a major improvement huh... hahaha
Anyway.. I found something cool on the internet.. A quick 'Would You Rather' Quiz-slash-Poll
I posted some of the questions down below.. let me know what you would rather do :D (and no.. you can't say 'neither')

1. Would you rather
a. Own a parot that said "F*** you !" when someone walks in a room
b. Own a dog that humps the legs of all your guests

2. Would you rather
a. Pee out your nose
b. Pee out your ears

3. Would you rather
a. Die saving a good friend's life
b. Let your good friend die

4. Would you rather
a. Walk in on your parents
b. Have your parents walk in on you
* in case some of you are wondering what is meant by 'walking in'... it is to do with.. u kno.. in the bedroooooom... think dirty a lil bit.. lol

5. Would you rather
a. Kill a cute puppy (or cute kitten)
b. Kill a middle-aged fat drunk smelly man

6. Would you rather
a. Be able to live for another 50 years, so long as you kill someone once a month
b. Die in 1 year

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Woke up at 9am for nothing!

I'm in the mood for blogging again.. lets hope this is going to last for a while..
I had a 9am class this morning.. my only class for the day. I woke up nice & early this morning, caught an early train, and actually arrived early for class.. something which hasn't happened for the past 8 months..
Anyway... I got into the lecture theater.. sat down.. and waited til the lecturer arrived..
She came.. and turned on the overheads... but nothing appeared on the screen yet.. Just when she was about to begin.. a security guard came in, and told her that we must evacuate the building because there was a gas leak (what's with the gas leaks lately!? thats 2 days in a row... one at the station.. one at uni)
Anyway... so we went out.. and I stood outside the building for nearly half an hour before they could let us back into the theater.
So.. 1/2 hour later.. we got back in.. I sat down.. etc etc.. and the lecturer turned on the overheads again.. this time something was actually displayed on the screen.
It says "Mechanical Engineering"
Here's a summary of what went on in my mind at that time:
"WTF!!!??? Mechanical Engineering !!??? Shit! I'm in the wrong lecture theater! Where the hell am I?"
So I went out the theater.. and asked the security guard what building I was in... and how to get to the right building
"You go out of this building, turn left, go straight, past the construction sight, bla bla bla, turn right, bla bla bla, past bla bla bla, turn left" and I think he ended it with saying 'turn right'
Me: "Thanks!" (great.. you lost me at 'past the construction sight')
So anyway... long story short.. because of the gas leak & having to wait outside the wrong lecture theater for more than 1/2 hour.. I was late for my lecture.. and decided not to go since there was only 15 minutes left.
Turns out.. I DID go to the correct building... but there are heaps of stupid signs saying "This way to ... theater"
I forgot the name of my theater... (I've never had any lectures in this theater).. so I thought the one on the signs was the one that I'm supposed to go to
Those signs were pointing towards staircase.. goes underground, etc
So they had the signs on Building A .. for a theater that's located in Building B.. which was right beside it
................................. *grump*

Monday, March 03, 2008

Public Transport

Argggghhhh.. public transport is annoying!!! Well.. not all of them per se... just connex...
They kept increasing the ticket fares.. but the services offered are still soooo bad!!!
The following happened in just one day... 8 hours apart to be exact:
Electrical fire at Melb Central train station control room in the morning.. during peak hour.. trains couldn't go through city loop...
Gas released in response to a false fire alarm... same station... around 4pm - evening peak hour..
Imagine this: passengers from 2 platforms (i.e. different train lines) were told to catch the next train from another platform.. so passengers from all 3 different train lines were all trying to squeeze in into a single train...
Then some were cancelled..
Then the trains were delayed...
And they couldn't even tell us how long the train was gonna be delayed for...
For one train.. they said it was going to be delayed for 9 minutes... it came 3 minutes after the announcement was made
For another train (my train).. an announcement was made for a 12 minute delay... it came 8 minutes after the announcement
Geez.. couldn't even get that right...

I haven't seen the movie 'Jumper'.. I've only seen bits & pieces of it from the trailer... But wouldn't it be cool to be able to 'jump' from one spot to another? That way I don't have to rely on public transport
Don't get me wrong... I'm not spoilt.. I don't need a chauffeur and a private limousine to get to places... I wouldn't have any problems with taking the public transport if THEY COULD JUST RUN IT PROPERLY!!! Just like they do in Japan...
Seriously.. trains are always on time over there.. and we're talking about trains that come every 3 minutes or so...
The interval here is at least 15 minutes.. and they can't even manage to do it properly...