Me, Myself, and I - That You Don't YET Know

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

New Post

Gong Xi Fat Chai (although it's a bit too late by now and too early on the previous post)
Anyway.. On Saturday I went to a distant-cousin's house at Thomastown - pretty far. Then I basically forgot what else I've done on that day. But I remember what I did on Sunday. Me and sis went to get a hair cut at this saloon at South Yarra. So.. there I was, waiting patiently as the hair dresser cut my hair - and basically, I couldn't see anything since I have to take my glasses off. After she finishes, I put on my glasses and I was shocked! shocked! shocked! and shocked!!! I didn't expect it to be this short - well it's still below the shoulders alright but it was only A LITTLE BIT below the shoulders - now my sis's hair is even longer than mine. And the hairstyle .. uuuurrkkhh.. didn't like it at all, and now my curly-wavy part of the hair has shown up again. Well I usually get my hair straightened every time I go back to indo - well that makes it once a year. But since I didn't go back to indo this time, I couldn't do the rebonding thing, so ... as a result, my straightened hair which could only last for like a year, has gone curly again. And I swear.. it looks terrible!
But I ended up doing this chem straightening hair thingy today - didn't do the rebonding coz it cost a fortune here - and it turned out alright - it's not wavy anymore but it's not as straight as it would be if I did the rebonding. But anyway, I was happy with it (of course I was after the shock of seeing what my hair looked like after I got a haircut and what it would look like if I didn't do this straightening thingy today)
So .. me and my sis didn't end up watching the 3rd movie (u'll know what I mean if u see the previous couple of posts) - damn!
School's gonna start soon - Thursday - one day of holiday to go. Wonder if I'll go to school on Thursday or Monday. There are so many reasons why I should and/or shouldn't go oon Thursday *sigh*
K.. I'm going now.. wanna watch the movies that my bro has just downloaded from the internet :) - enough thinking bout school days

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Activity Report

This title looks like the one that I always get in my inbox every month for the community web - anyway .. I actually got a book I gotta finish reading tonight but I'll spare some time writing this blog coz I don't think I'll have much chance to write this blog during the next coupla days. And as the purpose of this blog is mainly to tell others what I've done so far, not having to remember the things I did this week is not good .. infact it's not good at all. So, I'll start of by listing up the things that I did today and yesterday and the day before yesterday and the day before that day (hahaha). At least I did some chores during the holidays which is cleaning up my pool; Now most of you would have known how much I hated doing it because the strong smell of the chlorine will stick on my hand for a looooong time. Nonetheless, I like how my pool will look afterwards - you know what I mean .. blue water, clear as crystal - Don't tell me you've never had that feeling where you look into a swimming pool or the ocean and felt like you wanted to jump into it straightaway. Went out for a dinner on Sunday night at Box Hill. We were actually going to this chinese new year festival thingy there (or something like that) but it was actually held on Saturday night so we missed on it hahaha. Watched 2 movies today. 'The Last Samurai' and 'Cheaper By The Dozen'. The samurai movie was very good .. it was so worth it .. We were actually going to see 3 movies today since it's Tuesday - cheaper ticket price. And besides they were having this deal of buy 3 get 1 free ticket thingy at Village Cinemas, so we figured out why not .. there're lots of good movies showing right now. But we planned it way before we know that they're having this deal thingy so it didn't matter. But we only ended up seeing 2 coz of ... *sigh* I can't be bothered writing all of it on this post right now .. maybe I'll tell it later .. That's if I remember of course .. and I don't think I will :P
Anyway .. I mentioned before that I probably wouldn't have much chance of posting anything new tomorrow or the day after tomorrow nor the day after that (here I go again) coz I'm gonna pick up my books from school tomorrow and we're having this Chinese new year eve's dinner thingy at some chinese restaurant. Gonna have this thing on thursday (not gonna tell you what it is :P) and this other thing on Friday .. well basically I'm fully booked until Friday.
Speaking of chinese new year, *sigh* I'm not getting a lot of "salary" if you know what I mean. Since I'm way down here @ oz and my relatives are all at Indo.. WHYYYYY OH WHYYYY do I have to be away at the wrong time of the year .. same as you eh pikachu .. well at least you'll definitely get more 'drastic income' than me this year .. damn you!
K guys .. catcha later .. and by the way .. I know that it's still 2 days away but I'm gonna say it now anyway .. Happy Chinese New Year - Wishing all of you a happy and prosperous Chinese new year :) Don't forget to share all the money with your friends ok ;) (especially me hahahaha j/k)

Friday, January 16, 2004


Didn't actually wanna write anything today, since there's nothing interesting goin on in my life right now. But since my friend urged me to write something so that she'll have something to do since she's very bored, I gotta post something on this blog. Hmm.. wonder what I've done so far this week. Can't remember... Probably it's the fact that I don't make my brain 'work hard' during this holiday. I think I went to the city on Tuesday with my sis, went to HSBC and wander around the city, had lunch at Chinatown, then we went to Carnegie for some grocery shopping (haven't done that in quite a while), then to Chadstone. We were actually planning on seeing 3 movies in one day, since it's cheaper to see movies on Tuesdays, but then something came up and we had to go to the bank. Yeah well.. we'll probably do it next Tuesday. Yesterday.. what did I do yesterday .. (thinking hard) .. Ahh.. we went to a friend's house and had dinner there..
Well.. that's all for today, can't think of anything more to write.. And I think I haven't mentioned this before on my previous posts, I haven't got any new year's resolutions. Been trying to fulfill my last 3 years' resolutions but didn't make it hahaha. So I guess nothing for this year.. and it's not that I'm not setting a goal or something at the start of the year. I do have goals that I wanted to achieve this year, but not as my new year's resolution. Coz I think stuff that we wanted to achieve for the NYR should be the one that is hard to achieve, not the simple and easy ones - well that's the point of having NYR right? And I guess there's no point of me making any NYR since I haven't been good in fulfilling any of it

Sunday, January 11, 2004

Honey Dew

I came up with that title coz I'm eating honey dew right now - I spoke (or wrote) as if that is a one big cool title, well you know that it's not.. it's just I don't know what I should right to start this post :)
Went to the city today, had lunch at some pork chop restaurant and then walked around the city. After that we went to a friend's house and play 'Cho Tai Ti' and I ended up winning *happy* We went for a dinner at Limor's @ Kooyong afterwards to celebrate a friend's birthday and that's about it.
Gonna tell you what I ate at Bondi Beach while I was still at Sydney. I ate this fried mars bar coated with the stuff that usually coats the fishes at 'fish and chips shops'. It taste better than the original mars bar but it's too sweet that I only took a few bite out of my bro's fried mars bar. He loved it while me... hmm.. I don't like it very much but I don't hate it

Friday, January 09, 2004

I'm bored

Fuuuhh.. I've finally got something to write about on this blog .. unlike yesterday and the day before and the day before than .. coz I haven't been doing anything lately (since I got back from my trip of course...) Went bike riding with my friend today. Pretty nice weather - a warm day - but it made me really thirsty and I forgot to bring my water bottle with me...
Hmm.. I'm suppose to meet my friend at msn to help her with her autobio again.. but she hasn't showed up yet.. wonder where she is. I've got absolutely nothing to do tonight. Well there's this tom cruise movie on channel ten right now, I watched it for like half an hour before I sat infront of this computer and waited for my friend to show up. But now I've already missed 15 minutes of it so I couldn't be bothered watching what comes up next. And no one is online right now.. no one .. not a single soul .. *sigh*
I've got another toilet story.. this one's really funny though .. when I went to St Macquarie's Chair (Sydney) to watch the fireworks.. there were heaps of people.. and so the government hired 20 removable toilet blocks (all side by side - it looks like a trailer) and on every block there were long queues on every single block, probably about 13 - 15 people. That was the longest toilet queue I've ever seen. They would probably put it in the Ripley's believe it or not show hahaha. And this one chick .. she was standing beside me .. said 'Oz guys took a longer time to pee than oz girls' .. and there was this one group, they divided into 2 groups and lined on 2 different toilet blocks and they held a competition. Which group took less time finish doing whatever they wanna do in that toilet.. hahaha.. it was funny watching them.. shouting 'go go hurry up hurry up!' hahaha.. and there was this one little girl beside me.. she was with one other girl (probably sister .. i dunno) she has her name and her dad's mobile phone printed on her upper arm (near the shoulders) just in case she got lost .. you know .. and this one girl who was lining behind them ask the older girl what the little girl's name was and said that was her name too (the girl who asked the name had probably seen the little girl's name on her arm - and it was a pretty unique name) and so they met there and they began to know each other .. right there .. in the queue infront of the toilets .. hmm .. everything can happen infront of the toilet huh? people begin to get to know other people and even competitions .. hmmm ...
And o yeah .. I forgot to mention this before.. wanna say congrats to my friend back at indo who has actually pass her toefl test.. and so she's currently doing the uni foundation right now..
And for pikachu .. I finally met u on msn since .. hmm.. let me see.. a quite while ago.. I thought you got into a car accident or somethin' .. Not my fault :P u didn't post any new entry on your blog since you said that you're gonna start driving again after not doing it for a year

Thursday, January 08, 2004

1 + 1 = 2

Haven't done anything lately, since I got back to Melbourne. It's so cold today.. hmmph .. melbourne .. it's summer and its 19 degrees .. I've been doing this autobiography about my friend today. Not that I don't have anything to do and decided to write an essay about that. She asked for my help so I figured that I haven't got anything better to do so why not? It's due on Monday and she has to write about 32 pages long, and so far I've only written about 4 pages long *sigh* I can never write long essays in formal Indonesian language. Even back when I was still in indo, I got 9 out of 9 for my English Language on my report card, and only 7 or 8 out of 9 for my Indonesian language. How weird is that ?? Considering the fact that English is my second language...
Anyway.. forgot to mention this one thing on my last post about my holiday.. I ate this noodle at a restaurant and the day after that, my sis and I got a really bad stomach ache that forces us to go to the toilet again.. and again.. and again.. And this one time (at band camp - sounds like the girl in American Pie huh) we so desperately need to go to the toilet and with went to Grace Bros (Sydney's Myer) yeah we went to a toilet and luckily there was no one there. So we took the cubicals up at the corner. And my sis did an unbelivable thing! She talked to me in the toilet. So if anyone entered the room, they would probably think that we're crazy, talking while in the toilet!
And one more thing, about this Korean BBQ restaurant at surfers paradise.. Geez! the waitress was soooo unbelievable! impolite.. rude.. and there's a lot of it that i couldn't be bothered mentioning it one by one from A to Z... The food was good though

Monday, January 05, 2004

Happy New Year

I haven't really been keeping this very up to date.. It's been awhile since i've updated this blog. I haven't really had much time and opportunity to update this blog.. infact none at all with my trip and everything. Didn't have access to internet nor computer during my trip to GC and Syd. I just got back from my trip 2 nights ago and haven't had much time to post a new entry with all those emails in my inbox.
For those of you who were wondering how my trip has gone, it has been alright. Gold Coast was fun but Sydney was pretty boring. I'll tell you about it but i won't get too detailed bout it considering the fact that I already have to spend a quite bit of time infront of this computer to reply those emails without having to write this long post about my trip.

K.. lets start at GC since that's the frist place that I went during the trip. Had an early flight and we almost missed it but the check-in person called the passangers travelling on the plane to jump the queue so that we wouldn't miss the flight. We played a card game, 'Cho Tai Ti' (I'm not sure if I spelled it right), all the way. And so we arrived in the afternoon. My bro's friend picked us up so we spend the day together. Firstly we went to a Jap restaurant and then went to some place (I didn't know the name). It's more like a combination of places that I've been to either in Melb or Indo. A part of it looks like SOGO and PIM (malls in Indo), while the outdoor part looks like Dufan (a theme park in Indo), and some part looked like Chadstone. We went to other places as well like the market and stuff, but I can't really remember much of it, like where we ate for dinner and stuff.

We went to WB Movie World on the second day. I think this is my favourite theme park of all the 4 in GC, in which I will write about in just a moment. Here, I rode my first roller coaster ever, I mean the REAL roller coaster, not the ones that's not too high and were designed for kids coz I've been on those ones of course. If you know me well enough, you'll know that I never could face my fears riding those kind of thrilling rides, but this time I thought: Why not? I'll have to do it anyway coz then what's the point of going to GC and pay more than $50 to enter the theme parks if I'm only going to play Carousel and Dodgem Cars? - So there I was, on 'Lethal Weapon', the most exciting and thrilling roller coaster in Movie World and I think the most thrilling amongst other roller coasters. I'll tell you what I mean.. If you've been on a roller coaster before and is still feeling terrified and unsecured sitting on those cars (or whatever they call it that will take you throughout the whole ride), with your feet on bottom part of the car and supported by it, how would you feel if during the ride your body is only supported by you sitting on a chair and a seat belt BUT your feet can't touch anything, wasn't supported by anything, and was hanging freely in the air while you were being turned upside down 180 degrees? TERRIFIED! I was pretty lucky having LW as my first roller coaster ride coz then I realized that other roller coaster weren't as terrifying as LW, so from then I've pretty much conquered my fear to riding roller coasters. K .. enough bout the roller coasters.. I won't tell bout the other rides that I've been on coz it'll take a long time to finish writing about it. On a part of the day we watched the parade, it was really nice. And by the way I took photos with Austin Power (the fake one of course - just someone who looks like him who dressed up just like him)

Moving on to the third day.. We went to Sea World. Watched various shows about the animals like the seals, dolphins, etc. They were really smart and cute. Watched the ski competition as well (it was part of the SW show) and took photos with the competitors.

Spend the whole fourth day in Wet 'n Wild Water World. Can't say much about it but it was a really nice place to have fun! And the fifth day was Christmas day! We went to brisbane in the morning but didn't spend a lot of time there (obviously.. coz it was x'mas and everything was closed), we only took a couple of pictures and then went back to GC and just hang around in surfer's paradise. And believe it or not, we stood in the middle of a big road in the city (in Brisbane) and took a couple of photos there. For those of you at home, DO NOT attempt to try this at home as this can only be done by the experts and those with experiences (hahaha.. I really sound like the people in TV huh!?) Na.. just don't try this at home as this can only be done during Christmas day when every thing is closed and there's no car around. And by the way, I stayed in an apartment in Surfer's Paradise.. it's like main street (or main spot) in GC where there's a lot of restaurants and shops and it's closed to the beach. So if we wanted to have breakie of dinner, we'll just go down and look for restaurants, there's heaps there! And we'll just spend the night walking along the streets of surfer's paradise..

If I'm not mistaken.. we went to Dream World on the fifth day. Rode a lot of rides there and went to Big Brother house. OMG! Big brother house looked SO MUCH bigger in tv than in the real life. It was so damn small! It must be those camera angles that made it look so big on tv.. O yeah .. and I'm going to tell you about the Tower Of Terror ride. First, I didn't want to go on it so my bro and sis went alone, but then they forced me to go on it with them and so I went on it. We rode at 160 km/h on the whole trip, and I mean the whole trip right from the start! In most roller coasters, when it starts, you'll probably travel in slow speed for about 10 seconds when the railway is inclines, before they drop you from the highest point. But this.. it starts at 160 km/hr even when we're going up, inclining to 90 degrees - absolutely vertical before they drop you again. It looked like a capital 'L' shape. It's really hard to explain.. maybe if you've been on it before or see it with your own eyes, you'll know what I mean.

That was our last day on GC coz we had an early flight to Sydney on the sixth day. And I couldn't tell much about Sydney coz it we pretty much spend the first few days sight seeing at Fox Studios, Harbour Bridge, Opera House, Pyrmont Bridge and around the city. The only thing that made us go to Sydney at the first place is to taste all the indo foods, there were heaps of indo restaurants there. And we went to this famous doughnut place called 'Krispy Kreme' and amazingly we were dumb enough to travel 45 minutes by car just to taste that doughnut, but it was pretty good though. And we have absolutely no idea of where to go for the last few days so we watched the new LOTR just to kill 3 hours.
We watched the fireworks at Harbour Bridge from St Macquarie's Chair. We couldn't get any place that has the best view of the fireworks, so we didn't get much out of the 9 pm's fireworks. But afterwards, me and my sis decided to just wait up at the front for 3 hours rather than having to miss out on the new year's fireworks. My bro and dad joined us not long after that. So we stood there for 3 hours and played Cho Tai Ti for more than 2 hours while waiting for the fireworks. The long wait was worth it though...

K .. I'm really tired now .. maybe I'll stop here.. Happy New Year everyone! (although it's a bit too late)